Stay Healthy Through Thanksgiving

The holiday season here in Rexburg can be a challenging time for many of us when it comes to our health. There are parties with lots of unhealthy foods and treats. Schedules get displaced, so it becomes harder to keep your workout routine. Tempting sugary sweets are everywhere, and little indulgences start to add up to big calorie counts. In many ways, Thanksgiving has become the kick-off to a season of unhealthy habits.

But it doesn’t have to be. Here are five simple tips to help you make Thanksgiving a season of gratitude, not instant gratification.

Focus on Family, not Food.

Make the holidays about spending quality time with loved ones, instead of about what you’re eating. If you go to a holiday party or dinner, your priority should be to enjoy the company, not the food and drinks. Reconnect with friends and family, and find opportunities to build and strengthen relationships.

Seek Out the High-Protein, Low-Fat Options.

At holiday gatherings find the high-protein or vegetable canapes and dishes. Look for dishes and hors d’oeuvres that are heavy on lean protein and fresh vegetables such as turkey and green beans. (Not the green bean casserole, which is full of salt and fat.)  Healthy choices include raw vegetables with low-fat dip, shrimp, grilled chicken skewers, turkey meatballs, nuts, and olives.

Don’t “Bank” Calories.

Make sure to eat healthy protein throughout the day, every day. Don’t skip meals with the idea of over-indulging later, you’ll not only be ravenous and eat more than you planned, but you will also be more likely to make unhealthy choices. Fill up on protein during the day, especially if you’re busy shopping or participating in holiday activities. Regularly eating protein will stabilize your blood sugar, preventing that sugar binge later.

Squeeze in Exercise Whenever Possible.

If you can’t make it to the gym, there are still ways to sneak in a workout. Park far away from your destination and walk. Make a habit of taking the stairs. Do a quick workout video at home (there are many free options on YouTube) that requires no or little equipment.  Or do a few rounds of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats before your shower. Even these mini sessions can rev your metabolism and keep you energized.

Find Time to Relax.

This time of year can be very stressful, so remember to take time to unwind and mentally prepare for your day ahead. Create lists to keep yourself organized and help you prioritize to-dos. Try meditating or deep breathing to calm down. Studies show that when you’re less stressed, you make better choices.