November- Healthy Skin Awareness

Why do some of the cloudiest states have the highest skin cancer rates?

Skin cancer isn’t something we need to worry about only during the summer. In fact,  data from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) suggests that people living in states not known for sunshine have some of the highest skin cancer rates. States including Minnesota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and Idaho. According to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America an estimated 3.5 million cases of skin cancer will be diagnosed in 2018! As the climate begins to change it is important for everyone to know that even though it may be cloudy outside it is still just as important to develop healthy skin habits. Including daily application of sun screen, avoid tanning and UV tanning beds, seek the shade and cover up!

Skin Cancer falls under two major categories; Non-melanoma and Melanoma.

Non-melanoma skin cancers are mostly comprised of basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. These are rarely lethal but surgical treatments are usually necessary and can often painful and disfiguring.

Melanoma’s can be quite easily spotted however unlike non-melanoma they can spread quickly and if not caught early can be difficult to treat and cure.

Some risk factors include:

  • Frequent Sun Exposure
  • History of sunburns
  • Fair skin
  • Family History

Report any suspicious looking lesion to your local dermatologist or health care provider. When doing a self-examination remember your ABC’s!

Call (208) 356-4673 today to schedule an examination.